Start Your Own Podcast With Tin Shingle's Production Team

So great being back at ThaMax for podcasting recording sessions for our clients, Dutchess Workforce Investment Board! They have started a new podcast to shine light on employment agencies helping people in Dutchess County. And beyond as more people will hear these episodes.

Pictured above (left photo) is Brandon Lillard directing and coaching these new podcasters.

Want to start your own podcast? We can be your production team. Click here for details >

Join Tin Shingle Today To Get In On Office Hours - Where You Can Get The Word Out Using PR And Social Media

The reverse view of today’s Office Hours TuneUp. Katie James, Inc. has been on the go a lot, and needs a solid place to work from. In the meantime, she pops up at different locations.

For some Tin Shingle Office Hours, which is a small group strategy session with Tin Shingle members only, she’ll be on these comfortable stools. To get on these calls, which discuss how to get the word out using PR and Social Media, join Tin Shingle today >

Send A Special Note With Luxe Limited-Edition Stationary From Witch Hazel

Bringing back some retail posts to the Tin Shingle…

There are too many in Beacon, NY not to share! Was out for A Little Beacon Blog advertiser business and this gorgeous stationery at Witch Hazel literally caught my eye. The designer is a friend of Owner of Witch Hazel, Jill from her corporate days.

I’m picking up a batch of these my next time in, and sending a note to @gildedtwig xo

You too can “send a special note with this luxe, limited-edition stationery. Featuring original artwork by Brooklyn-based illustrator Antoinette, each card includes a sweet blossom design styled in gold foil.

Every set of 10 cards, neatly tied in a bundle, comes with five pale blue and five neutral beige envelopes. Stationery cards are made of premium Crane Collection Lettra paper — an earth-friendly, tree-free paper produced from cotton fibers recovered from the apparel trade and from cotton processing.” Buy them here >

Tips & Tricks On How To Write/Blog Everyday

It’s getting hot in here! I have to put my shorts on! And your questions answered: “Katie - how do you blog every day? I stopped writing because I thought nobody cares!”

This is from one of my readers. Writing is a solitary thing. Very silent. Most of the time you don’t know how it’s received. You have to have faith. But here’s my tip on how to keep writing/blogging. Watch the video above!

Growing Your Business And Getting PR Just By Naming Your Business

As I claim my shed as my studio office for here and Katie James, Inc. projects (and I mean really claim, more so than in before at the start of the pandemic), it occurs to me as I hang my Katie James tin shingle made by the artist Tin Fish in Maine, that this sign is where Tin Shingle got its name.

Back when Sabina and I had to rename our company because a big magazine who is all about entrepreneurship came after us when our name was ‘Preneur (it’s not your fault, @heyfeifer it’s corporate). That cease and disuse letter was the best thing to happen to us, because it made us rethink and commit to what we really offered creators.

Business owners are creators. It’s a more fun word to say sometimes than “business owner.” We realized we are really only about getting the word out. Yes, we taught how to do that in different ways: PR, Website Design and Content, and Social. But that education plus our special sauce of empowerment was what made Tin Shingle what it is.

Sabina and I each went on our own now, and you can see Tin Shingle’s latest video TuneUp about that back in our Member Center on the Tin Shingle website. But that’s the story of how this sign I had made for my fist, core, and namesake business, Katie James, Inc., influenced this, my second business, Tin Shingle. Both my children.

Ok. Carry on! Let’s get some PR and grow your business. Join Tin Shingle today to get into the groove! >

Ready To Stream: [PR] TuneUp: Mindset: On Being Crazy and Embracing Fantasies To Build Success, With Sabina Hitchen

TuneUp: Mindset: On Being Crazy and Embracing Fantasies To Build Success, With Sabina Hitchen

Business creators are called a lot of things. Crazy. Delusional. A Hero. A Visionary.

How do you know when one of those names is right?

When you’re starting something, you’re dreaming big. Your worst fears are banging upside your boat constantly as frothy waves. Eventually, as you grow more confident with the undertaking, those waves of fears turn into lapping ripples gently hitting the boat, reminding the business creator to stay sharp and smart. To prepare for the worst while enjoying the sun and clear skies.

Tin Shingle’s Katie Hellmuth Martin and Press For Success’s Sabina Hitchen for a rare come-back tour on this TuneUp. Katie and Sabina created Tin Shingle together, and eventually flew away in different directions.

One of Sabina’s core strengths is recognizing the power in facing fears, discomfort zones, and supporting others. She believes: “Recognizing scary and stressful situations takes away some of their power.”

Katie and Sabina talked about how business creators must be crazy to make big things. Not everyone has these dreams. Not everyone makes the effort to take action on these visions.

“Everyone thinks it’s crazy until it’s done,” says Sabina.

Learn how to embrace your fantasies, face your fears, and experience what happens on the other side of the cloud of doubt.


Anyone can watch a Tin Shingle TuneUp from their computer, mobile phone or tablet. The process is different for premium members and the public.


Stream any TuneUp Webinar anytime with your Tin Shingle membership. No need to purchase it, this TuneUp is ready to play from this page! When you are logged in, you will see a big screen.


Once you buy a TuneUp, you own it forever. The video or audio recording will appear on the TuneUp page that you just purchased from, and all you need to do is press play.

TuneUp: Mindset: On Being Crazy and Embracing Fantasies To Build Success, With Sabina Hitchen

When: Wednesday, August 3th, 2022
Time: 1pm-2pm EST
Where: At your computer or on your phone.
Register Live Event (Free): Register Here (it’s through GoToWebinar)
Video Replay: Free for Members of Tin Shingle only. Join today.

Business creators are called a lot of things. Crazy. Delusional. A Hero. A Visionary.

How do you know when one of those names is right?

When you’re starting something, you’re dreaming big. Your worst fears are banging upside your boat constantly as frothy waves. Eventually, as you grow more confident with the undertaking, those waves of fears turn into lapping ripples gently hitting the boat, reminding the business creator to stay sharp and smart. To prepare for the worst while enjoying the sun and clear skies.

Join Tin Shingle’s Katie Hellmuth Martin and Press For Success’s Sabina Hitchen for a rare come-back tour on this TuneUp. Katie and Sabina created Tin Shingle together, and eventually flew away in different directions.

One of Sabina’s core strengths is recognizing the power in facing fears, discomfort zones, and supporting others. “Recognizing scary and stressful situations takes away some of their power.”

Katie and Sabina will talk about how business creators must be crazy to make big things. Not everyone has these dreams. Not everyone makes the effort to take action on these visions.

“Everyone thinks it’s crazy until it’s done,” says Sabina.

Learn how to embrace your fantasies, face your fears, and experience what happens on the other side of the cloud of doubt.

Tin Shingle’s Live TuneUp With Sabina Hitchen Of Sabina Knows Press for Success

Tin Shingle’s Live TuneUp with Sabina Hitchen of Sabina Knows Press for Success.

Sabina is the co-creator of Tin Shingle in its original forms. She is the Queen of Courage, and the Discomfort Zone. That is why she is my guest expert for this Tuneup: Mindset: On Being Crazy and Embracing Fantasies To Build Success.

Hair, Hair Everywhere Is Available Everywhere - Buy Now

Look at this beauty and the beauty that surrounds her! She has made this life, and launched this book to bring it here.

Hair, Hair Everywhere is a beautifully illustrated children's book celebrating Black hair. Proud of her hair, our fashionista naturalista sets out on an adventure to find all the fun hairstyles in her neighborhood and beyond. This wonderfully written story encourages self-acceptance, builds self-esteem, and underscores the importance of kindness, love, and appreciating the differences and similarities in everyone.

Danielle, so amazed by you and inspired always! Thank you for my vanilla mocha swirl style. You cut the best layers I’ve ever had. Love when you call me boo! - Katie Hellmuth Martin, Owner, Co-Founder

Hair, Hair Everywhere is available everywhere books are sold. Buy it! >

Members-Only TuneUps: Office Hours At Tin Shingle

If you’re a member of Tin Shingle and missed today’s office hours, don’t panic! They happen often. Keep tabs on your email so you can join in.

Tin Shingle’s Office Hours are a place where you can bring your questions, our ideas, your fears and your successes.

Remember: July is Holiday Gift Guide Season! What is your plan?

We can discuss them and things like this in Tin Shingle’s Office Hours TuneUps!

About TuneUp Office Hours

If you are a member of Tin Shingle, you can join in on Office Hour Members-Only TuneUps! These are closed sessions, and not open to the public. This is a safe space for Tin Shingle Members to come in with brainstorms to give and get feedback.

You can turn on your video camera to speak eye-to-eye, or just talk on the phone or through your computer speakers.

In this series, members of Tin Shingle with the Media Kit Membership can call in to workshop any need in their marketing campaign, including:

  • Media Pitching: What a pitch to a certain media outlet should look like, and how it should read.

  • Instagram: How to get sales and create PR opportunities from you posts.

  • Facebook: How do you increase traffic from this platform?

  • Website: The media will circle back to evaluate their website. What are they seeing, and is it clear?

  • SEO: What's your game plan? Let's get one. You don't want to miss out on all that search traffic.

Tin Shingle's owner Katie will moderate the call.

She will rotate through people on the call, and encourage each other to contribute to each person's challenge as a conversation.

When you are logged into your Media Kit Member account at Tin Shingle, you will be able to click this link in our Community section of the website to get the private link to call in details.

Once on the call, Katie will adjust your settings so that we can hear and/or see you. We love talking face-to-face, so turn your video on if you want. Otherwise, audio-only is fine.