[PR] TuneUp: Mindset: On Being Crazy and Embracing Fantasies To Build Success, With Sabina Hitchen

TuneUp: Mindset: On Being Crazy and Embracing Fantasies To Build Success, With Sabina Hitchen

Business creators are called a lot of things. Crazy. Delusional. A Hero. A Visionary.

How do you know when one of those names is right?

When you’re starting something, you’re dreaming big. Your worst fears are banging upside your boat constantly as frothy waves. Eventually, as you grow more confident with the undertaking, those waves of fears turn into lapping ripples gently hitting the boat, reminding the business creator to stay sharp and smart. To prepare for the worst while enjoying the sun and clear skies.

Tin Shingle’s Katie Hellmuth Martin and Press For Success’s Sabina Hitchen for a rare come-back tour on this TuneUp. Katie and Sabina created Tin Shingle together, and eventually flew away in different directions.

One of Sabina’s core strengths is recognizing the power in facing fears, discomfort zones, and supporting others. She believes: “Recognizing scary and stressful situations takes away some of their power.”

Katie and Sabina talked about how business creators must be crazy to make big things. Not everyone has these dreams. Not everyone makes the effort to take action on these visions.

“Everyone thinks it’s crazy until it’s done,” says Sabina.

Learn how to embrace your fantasies, face your fears, and experience what happens on the other side of the cloud of doubt.


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