Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Today for MLK Day: Listening To "I Have A Dream" and Reading "Letter From Birmingham Jail"

One thing to do today for MLK Day is to immerse yourself in words written by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Having the context to the quotes is crucial to understanding where the quotes came from. This will also be a refresher history lesson from the days in elementary school where you may have studied Dr. King and the Civil Rights Movement he amplified.

To do this, you can listen to the full transcript of the "I Have A Dream" speech, provided by NPR, and you could read his "Letter From Birmingham Jail," provided by California State University Chico.

Today I was fortunate to cover and participate in a local parade march for Dr. Martin Luther King Day in Beacon, NY. The parade kicked off a day of programming from the Southern Dutchess Coalition which featured several speakers, including the author Jeanette Shelton Brisco, who wrote the memoir, From Duck Hill to Fishkill.