Recommended Hashtags For #ChallengeAccepted: Look Up Those Turkish Words!

Recommended Hashtag Collection For #ChallengeAccepted

If you are going to accept the #ChallengeAccepted, then it is recommended that you use the relevant hashtags. As discovered in Tin Shingle's Deep Dive into this social trend here, this challenge may be revived months or years later to represent something else. If that happens, this hashtag collection will be updated in Tin Shingle's Hashtag Cheat Sheet.
One thing that was unique about this challenge is that it included Turkish words. Women in American dropped those words from their captions, and diluted the meaning behind the challenge, essentially making it disappear. Instead of not including a word one doesn't understand, take the time to look it up.
Tin Shingle has done some homework for you, by translating the recommended hashtags for this movement. They are below, and have been added to Tin Shingle's Hashtag Cheat Sheet here, which is available in full to Media Kit Members of Tin Shingle.
#challengeaccepted (the movement)
#pınargültekin (a 27 year old girl who was murdered by someone she knew, who tried to cover it up)
#istanbulsözleşmesi (translation: Istanbul Contract, the legislation designed to protect women from domestic violence but not enforced, and threatened to be erased)
#şiddetinhertürlüsünehayır (a FB community about women's protections)
#kadındayanışması (related to the above)
#birliktegüçlüyüz (Turkish translation: "Together We're Strong")
#kadınaşiddetehayır (Turkish translation: "No Violence To Women")
#insanhakları (Azerbaijani translation: "Human beings")
#şiddetehayır (Turkish translation: "No violence")