Office Hours Open Today: Post-COVID Symptoms (Hopefully!)

Office Hours
Open Today

When: Wednesday, December 23rd
Time: 1pm EST
Where: At your computer or on your phone.
How: Follow the directions on this page to get the registration link.
Or, if you're a Tin Shingle Member and are already logged in, click here to get the secret registration link.
Required: Media Kit Membership with Tin Shingle. Join today.


Over the years, Wednesdays have turned into Big Days for Tin Shingle. It used to be that it rained every Wednesday, making for a gloomy day. Then it began snowing every Wednesday, causing School Closures which make live production of Tin Shingle's TuneUps hard. Once Remote Learning started, Wednesday became the day that was the Longest Day for Katie's kids, where they had several online class meetings in one day, which required constant snack-prep and technical support.

And for the latest Wednesday hurdle...Katie learned that her husband had COVID on a Wednesday, which threw everything out of orbit. Katie also learned that she and her middle son had COVID, and she wrote about it at A Little Beacon Blog, and in her newspaper column for the Highlands Current, at their request.

Thankfully, her household is on the other side of it (we think...for now...the hunt for antibodies begins), and for this Wednesday, the Office Hours are Open for Tin Shingle Members.

This is a time to turn on your video camera to speak eye-to-eye, or just talk on the phone or through your computer speakers.

In this series, members of Tin Shingle with the Media Kit Membership can call in to workshop any need in their marketing campaign, including:

  • Media Pitching: What a pitch to a certain media outlet should look like, and how it should read.

  • Instagram: How to get sales and create PR opportunities from you posts.

  • Facebook: How do you increase traffic from this platform?

  • Website Design: The media will circle back to evaluate their website. What are they seeing, and is it clear?

  • SEO: What's your game plan? Let's get one. You don't want to miss out on all that search traffic.

Tin Shingle's owner Katie will moderate the call.

She will rotate through people on the call, and encourage each other to contribute to each person's challenge as a conversation.

When you are logged into your Media Kit Member account at Tin Shingle, you will be able to click this link in our Community section of the website to get the private link to call in details.

Once on the call, Katie will adjust your settings so that we can hear and/or see you. We love talking face-to-face, so turn your video on if you want. Otherwise, audio-only is fine.