Money Magazine Goes Out Of Print - Kiplinger's Buys Money's Subscription List


Money magazine goes out of print, with the last issue being July/July 2019. Money magazine was acquired by Meredith in January 2018 in the major deal with Time, Inc. According to this New York Post article, Meredith’s intentions were to sell off titles such as this one, as they did with Time magazine (sold to Salesforce founder and his wife), and Fortune magazine (sold to a Thai businessman), but could not find a buyer for Money.

Instead, Meredith has retained the Money brand and will continue the website in digital, and has sold a large portion of the print subscriber list to Kiplinger’s magazine, one of the few personal finance magazines in print. According to MediaPost, Kiplinger’s already had subscriber overlap with Money, so bought a portion of the subscriber list, bringing Kiplinger’s subscriber base up to 920,000.

While you may have just lost a print edition bible of Best Places To Retire, Best Colleges, Best Retirement Cities, and so on, there are so many digital publications and podcasts that people value, such as HerMoney from Jean Chatzky. And just because a major publisher took it out of print doesn’t mean Money magazine should have been put to pasture. Says the Meredith’s chief executive at the time in this New York Times article: “We love these brands and think they have great audiences,” Tom Harty, Meredith’s chief executive, said in an interview. But, he continued, “Our main portfolio that we built over time at Meredith has been focused on a different audience type.”

What Businesses Should Pitch Money Stuff?

Really, any business can. You just need to think of a money angle. Use Tin Shingle's Community to help you get ideas from others if you need them. For example:

  • Insurance Company: Do you know of a trend going on with people and health insurance lately? Are they making choices based on financial changes in their homes? Pitch this.

  • Fashion: Do you know of a trend where people are renting their entire wardrobe lately? From bags to dresses? Can you piggy back this as a trend story onto major department store brands such as Forever 21 talking bankruptcy? Figure out an angle where your business can be mentioned, and pitch it.

  • Dentist: Do people often forget to use their dental insurance by the end of the year? Do you know if they are wasting hundreds of dollars? Pitch it.

How Tin Shingle’s Media Contacts Can Help

Looking for more content creators and media outlets for your personal finance pitches? When you use Tin Shingle’s Media Contact Library, you can type in a search term like “Personal Finance” and get recommendations of reporters, writers who produce content in that field. You’ll get ideas for the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Crain’s, and even some business institutions like banks who also have content platforms. Pitching a business platform should be in your content strategy, as it’s a feature with lower competition, but one that could land you a nice online feature.

We are adding Kiplinger's Personal Finance to our Editorial Calendar Collection, since it is a print magazine. That research is currently being done, and will be updated in our database soon.

Join Tin Shingle today for access to our library, and to our online Community where you can bounce ideas off of us before you pitch the media with your amazing angle.