Deal For Tin Shingle Members: FluidRunning $25 Off

Guess What?

Are you needing to go for a good run? But you love the water so much you'd rather just run in water all day? Or maybe your bones are sore and you can't hit the road anymore? We have your solution!

Tin Shingle got to know the company Fluid Running when they were using our educational platform to learn how to get the word out, and focus their pitching of the media. Another member (the author of legal thrillers, Mark M. Bello, really liked the product, encouraged some member synergy by seeing if there was a coupon available, and Fluid Running granted!

Fluid Running is a running kit that enables you to run (sprint) in the deep end of the pool. Your feet will not be touching the ground. With the kit, you get a flotation belt, access to workouts via the app, and waterproof ear buds.

Tin Shingle Members receive $25 off! The Coupon Code is in the members-only Community Forum area of the website.

"Fluid Running eliminates the harmful impact of land running while providing additional cardiovascular and muscular benefits. Based on the highly successful Fluid Running group fitness class out of Chicago, IL, the new Fluid Running H2Go System allows you to do it on your own time, at any deep water pool, with Jennifer Conroyd (founder, USATF trained coach, A.C.E certified personal trainer) leading you through these challenging workouts. Young or old, injured or in training, physically fit or just starting, this workout is for you. See why Men’s Journal named this one of the top “20 Workouts in America”.

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