How To Find A New Person In The Media For Getting The Word Out

If you are looking for media contacts, aka "people who work in the media that you really want to write about your business," you’ve come to the right place! Tin Shinglers with a Media Kit Membership have access to our database full of hundreds of contacts from LA contacts to contacts for food!

Here's the thing - you might not know hat media outlet to hit up. You might not know about a local newspaper or obscure podcast. So Tin Shingle built a search tool for that!

Let's say you are looking for media contacts for people who write about local businesses in and around Los Angeles.

You would log into your member account at Tin Shingle, and go to the Media Contact Idea Center.

From there, you'd see this easy box that says "Areas of Interest," and you'd start typing LA or Los Angeles.

A list of suggestions would begin coming up.

We made a little video for you to show you what we mean…