Online Class: "8 Things I Learned After Deleting Facebook From My Phone"

It's happening. The deletion of Facebook apps from people’s phones - or from their lives entirely - as revelations continue to come out as to how invasive Facebook's social tactics are. Even Lisa Paige from PopCrush Nights deleted Instagram for her phone for a day, and was so happy.
Tin Shingle’s owner Katie is a Digital Marketing Strategist, and has deleted Facebook Personal and Business apps from her phone, but still uses the platform for marketing.
Deleting the easy access revealed much about Facebook’s design, what’s working and not working with it, and how to reach the people who are still communicating with each other on the platform.
This isn't a TuneUp to slam Facebook, but to highlight the parts of it that you should pay attention to, in your broad marketing plans where time continues to shrink as more content grabs our attention. Namely:

Showing Up. Having a pulse on Facebook. People are checking out your brand page, and want to see life.

Shopping. Facebook is investing into the shopping game as buying via Instagram takes off. Instagram shopping is connected to your Facebook account. The only way to link to products on your website from your Instagram post is via Facebook's Ad Manager, so you can’t cut the cord just yet.

This TuneUp Covers:

  • Design: What is hurting Facebook's design, and why your message may be getting buried.

  • Facebook as a Creative Crutch. Are you reaching as many people as you think?

  • Never Satisfied. There's a reason you're hooked.

  • FOMO Fuels Everything

  • When Facebook Goes Dark

  • Facebook Can Still Track You, Despite Being Deleted From Phone

  • So How Should You Use Facebook For Marketing?

Online Class: What To Pitch During April 2019

We are going to go over the Pitching Time Zones of who to pitch what. Timing is everything, so find out which headlines would catch a producer or writer's eye right now.

Magazine Pitch Alert:

What To Pitch Now: September/October: If you want big print magazines, they are working 6-7 months out, which means September/October. Get ideas on how to think in this cycle right now. If your time is Back To School, Football Season, Fall Fashion, Fall Detox, this is your time.

Editorial Calendar Peeking

Every month, we dive into Tin Shingle's Editorial Calendar Collection to see what big themes the magazine are working on now. Examples:

Special Focus: Gift Guides

Gift Guides: Do you want to get into Gift Guides? We will cover best ways to do this - at any time of the year.

Time Zones of Pitching: Pitching the media can be overwhelming. It can trigger anyone's ADD. We will discuss ways to harness this for productive pitching.

We're going to talk about how - and the opportunities you will find!

Online Class: Basic Basic Basic Marketing Tips For Know It Alls

Basic Basic Basic Marketing Tips For Know It Alls

Today's TuneUp was inspired by a conversation with a business owner that went something like this: "Oh, I've taken all of the top marketing classes from all of the top gurus. I'm all set with that."

Upon visiting that business owner's website - which happened after a Google search revealed nothing for them, and after Instagram also came up empty - there were plenty of other gaping holes at the website.

Today we are visiting some basic marketing concepts that you are doing - that you think may be enough. But they are not enough. Much of what you are doing is AMAZING. And it needs to get out there. This TuneUp goes covers some very basic - yet very powerful - strategies you can use in SEO, social media, and basic marketing to your customers that you may not be taking advantage of.

We're going to talk about how - and the opportunities you are missing - today. Click here for the free registration link.

Online Class: What To Pitch The Media Right Now: March 2019

It's no coincidence that you're reading about really cool businesses in social, digital and print media. Those businesses didn't sit back in their shops or offices waiting for the media to come calling. They went for it and got it! They pitched their favorite glossy magazines, TV shows, and digital brands, and were featured.


Dive into our 2019 Editorial Calendars during this live show! You’ll get a sneak peek of what All Access Pass Members of Tin Shingle get to see all of the time.


Magazines are working on Fall issues, and some Winter. Guys: Don't wait for these Editorial Calendars! Pitch all. the. time. Cold pitch. We teach it at Tin Shingle!


  • Fast Company: Best Workplaces for Innovators

  • Family Circle: Back to School

  • Essence: Fall Fashion

  • Esquire: The Grooming Guides

  • …and many more… (see our 2019 Editorial Calendar Collection)

“TREND STORIES” Ride The Wave Of These Ideas Now:

You will get ideas for what to pitch now in order to ride the wave of other headlines in the news, like:

  • Kathie Lee + Retirement Tips (she’s stepping down from the show - how will she cope? how should anyone cope when leaving a career they love?)

  • Facebook Drama (millions are leaving Facebook, as reported by Marketplace)...

Online Class TuneUp: Facebook Ads: Beyond The Boost

No matter what you think of Facebook these days, if you're still using it, you may be seeing those big shiny targeted ads on the website that seem to follow you and read your mind, and you may want an ad for your business to show up there.

During this TuneUp, we talk to digital advertising experts Patti Devine and Devin Holmes from Digital Impact. They are specialists in following the numbers to gauge how an ad might perform, and will tell us how we can do that too.

Patti and Devin are going to show us how to create these ads (like, literally, where the heck is the Ads Admin?) and where to start with producing your artwork and the content that goes with it. You're going to want a great image, on-point wording, and a well thought out web page for where you new viewers are going to click to.

Online Class TuneUp: What To Pitch The Media For February

It's no coincidence that you're reading about really cool businesses in social, digital and print media. Those businesses didn't sit back in their shops or offices waiting for the media to come calling. They went for it and got it! They pitched their favorite glossy magazines, TV shows, and digital brands, and were featured.

This. Could. Be. You!!

Tin Shingle is your PR Campaign Partner and we've got your roadmap for what ideas to pitch to the media for this month. Listen to this live class to get some of those ideas and some gumption to carry them out.


We take a deep dive into Tin Shingle’s 2019 Editorial Collection. Learn about the broad themes the print magazines are working on now.

Highlights Include:

  • Harper’s Bazaar: The Design Issue

  • Inc. Digital for February 2019: - Inspiration Chronicles, Productivity

  • Inc. Print: Up Next (this could be anyone! Are you an "up next" type of brand?)

  • House Beautiful: Outdoor Living and Small Spaces - PLUS Designing for Kids! (yeah this one's for you, Beetle and Fred! Go for it with your fabric ideas for those kids walls or DIY projects!)

  • Men’s Journal: The Perfect Summer Issue. A guide to living your best Summer ever from A to Z (this one's for you, Fluid Running! Can we say..."Best New Backyard Pool Workout?"

…and many more… (see our 2019 Editorial Calendar Collection!)

Online Class: How to be a Known Entrepreneur and Expert in Your Industry

So you want to be a go-to expert in your industry where press is concerned? Are you hoping to reach more people and get your message out there, building buzz for your business and your brand, but perhaps you're not sure where to begin? This webinar with Tin Shingle's co-founders Sabina Hitchen and Katie Hellmuth Martin will give you a jumpstart in the right direction. As a former publicist, Sabina has landed clients as experts on the Dr. Oz show, Bethany, the Today Show, and several print publications including Real Simple, American Airlines, USA Today, and so many more. You will leave this live training with solid strategies you can take action on right away to build buzz for yourself in print and TV media as an expert in your industry.

Covered In This Webinar

  • How to raise your profile as an expert in your field so everyone (press, customers, leaders in your field) know who you are.

  • How to be sure the press call on you when they need an expert like you - we'll tell you how to become their go to expert!

  • How your social media profiles and posts can help or hurt your quest to be a known expert and entrepreneur in your field.

  • The one email you should send right now to your target press to begin connecting.

  • What to do if there are lots of other people doing what you're doing for a living and you want to rise above the noise.

How This Works

Single Purchase: After you purchase this Training TuneUp, return to this page, and the video will be on the screen, ready for you to play!

Tin Shingle Members: If you are an Online Classes Level 3 Member of Tin Shingle, and you are logged in, this video interview will be already here, waiting for you to press play!

Online Class TuneUp: Hibernation Season: Polishing Your Brand In January

Polishing Your Brand - Get Rid of the Old

January is here! Hibernation season where it's out with the old, and in with the new. Use this quiet time to dust off the old components about your business so that you are ready to attract and accept fresh new business.

Covered In This TuneUp:

  • LinkedIn Profile

  • Even if you're not looking for a job, LinkedIn is the validation center for people's professional sides. Make sure you latest accomplishments are updated here.

  • Instagram Skills

    Start using a few new strategies.

  • Website Upgrade

    Ditch your old website - dive into the new platforms that broaden your exposure and reach!

  • Website Deep Dive

    Enable something new at your spiffy new website, like Instagram selling.

  • Outreach
    Who you should be reaching out to now to get the word out.

Online Class TuneUp: What To Pitch The Media This Month: January 2019

This TuneUp includes a deep dive into several 2019 magazine Editorial Calendars that are ready for you to search through in Tin Shingle's database. Additionally, this TuneUp also has two special features for you to begin the New Year:

Motivation Minute: The kick-off to every TuneUp is a Motivation Minute, and today's is dedicated as your New Year's Day Pep Talk. The actual New Year's Day cast a bit of The Sunday's vibe for some of us, after the excitement of the coming change delivered us on a day of: "Ok, now what? What direction to go?" It's a big thing to stare at a blank slate after feeling such momentum. This will be discussed quickly in the Motivation Minute.

Special Focus: Innovator Introspection. Several magazines are having their "Innovators" issue. Are you an innovator? Sure you are. Knowing how you are an innovator in your field is key to pitching yourself or your business into this theme. We will discuss so that you can have talking points at the ready for this type of email pitch to the media.

Online Class: How to Pitch Local Magazines, with Editor in Chief Olivia Abel of Hudson Valley Magazine

Coverage in your local magazines can mean a big boost in your business. People love being in-the-know locally. But how does a business pitch a local magazine? Our guest expert for this live class is Olivia Abel, the editor and chief of the Hudson Valley Magazine, one of New York's biggest regional magazines.


  • What are best ways for a business to sound relevant?

  • Does a business need a storefront in order to be covered in the magazine?

  • Does a business need to advertise in a local magazine in order to get editorial coverage?

  • What types of pitches get responses?

  • Who is the best person to pitch to at a local magazine if the staff is small?

  • How far in advance does a business need to pitch a story?

  • If a business runs a major local event, do they still need to pitch? Or will the magazine just "know" about the event and cover it?

  • What is a day in the life of an editor and chief of a regional magazine?

How To Watch

Anyone can watch a Tin Shingle TuneUp from their computer, mobile phone or tablet. The process is different for premium members and the public.


Stream any TuneUp Webinar anytime with your Tin Shingle membership. No need to purchase it, this TuneUp is ready to play from this page! When you are logged in, you will see a big screen. Press play and start taking notes!


Once you buy a TuneUp, you own it forever. The video or audio recording will appear on the TuneUp page that you just purchased from, and all you need to do is press play!


Olivia AbelOlivia Abel is the Editor in Chief of Hudson Valley Magazine for nearly eight years. During her tenure, she has helped this glossy monthly publication increase its readership, refresh its image, win its very first national award (for civic journalism) and establish a dynamic online presence. Previously, Olivia worked in both editorial and marketing at some of the biggest magazines in the world, including a six-year stint as a reporter at People, writing press releases for Newsweek and creating direct mail packages for TV Guide.

Online Class TuneUp: Pitching Local Media

Pitching local media, like your local newspaper or regional magazine, requires a special set of skills. This style of pitching almost requires that you peel back the sophistication and formulaic approach of a traditional pitch, in favor of a much more personalized approach.

But not too personal. You'll still need to include the most important details right away to catch the attention of the reporter, writer, and sometimes, even the publisher. In the world of local media, the same rules do not always apply if you want to land that feature.

Local media coverage can be great for your brand. Everybody loves supporting a neighbor - and that's exactly what most PR agents are getting wrong in their pitching. They are forgetting the personal approach to their pitch.

No matter if you make hats, stationery, or are a local expert in something that the world needs, you can get local media coverage without advertising. Some people turn up their noses at the local paper, but when it comes time to actually getting the word out about something, they all want to get into the local newspaper.

During this Training TuneUp, you will see actual pitches that did not work - were too formulaic and lacked the personal, community-centered approach. You will also see a pitch that did work that landed a full-page newspaper feature.

Online Class TuneUp: What To Pitch The Media This Month: December 2018

During this Training TuneUp, we guide you through your PR campaign for "long lead" pitches to print magazines, "short lead" pitching to regional magazines, and "right now" leads that you can capitalize on from news trends.

In December, the magazines are working on Spring issues. That means Organizing, Spring Fashion, Taxes, etc.

We have a few Editorial Calendar themes to share with you from Rachael Ray, Martha Stewart, Departures, Money, and others. These Editorial Calendar themes are from Tin Shingle's collection of Editorial Calendars from the magazines themselves, available in our Database.

Plus, this TuneUp includes a special focus on how to "cold pitch" which is when you don't rely on an Editorial Calendar, but you pitch an editor or a writer with a story angle for an idea that might work for a projected time.

Sneak Peek!

Online Class TuneUp: What To Pitch The Press This Month: November 2018

It's November, and you're wishing to be featured and talked about in the Holiday issues of magazines, right?

And you learned in this "Ultimate Guide To Pitching Holiday Gift Guides" that your chance to pitch the Holiday magazines was in July, right? And that your next chance for a Gift Guide is Valentine's Day, which is happening in November, right (hot tip: listen to this Training TuneUp on how to pitch Valentine's Day in November)?

This is your chance to not miss the boat again! Set the stage and plant the seeds in November on those amazing story ideas during this monthly Training TuneUp from Tin Shingle: What To Pitch This Month: November.

Several years ago, we started this "What To Pitch" series in November because we noticed that people started unplugging from their PR efforts during the Winter holidays, and the Summer season. These are the two peak seasons for pitching!

Covered In This Training TuneUp

  • Ideas: The usual set of ideas for what print magazines are looking for now (aka Long Lead), then blogs and websites (Short Lead), and hot news trends you can piggy back on for quickie articles at your website or others, and your social media.

  • BONUS: "But pitching doesn't work for me": This question will be discussed during the TuneUp, with suggestions on what to change in your pitching to the media.

  • BONUS: "But why would any magazine feature me?": This question will be discussed during the TuneUp, with myth-busters on why any business should want - and get - media coverage. Be you a website designer, jewelry designer of single pieces, or anything.

Online Class: Preparing for Valentine's Day Gift Guides - The Early Bird Edition with Kelly Kepner

Originally recorded in September, we got our earliest start ever on pitching for Valentine's Day Gift Guides. While national magazines are wrapping up or have completed their Holiday Gift Guide collections for December, the next big "get" will be Valentine's Day. The earliest a magazine will start being on the lookout for Valentine's day will be in mid-September, so if this is your big holiday that you want to get press for, watch this TuneUp to see what you can start doing early. PR Expert, Kelly Kepner, founder of Kelly Kepner PR joins us for our next Live TuneUp to share her tips and strategies for getting Valentine’s Day press.

  • Why you need to think about drafting your Valentine's Day pitch now!

  • How to pitch if you have more than one product at different price points

  • Why Hi res images are so critical when pitching

  • How to repurpose long lead pitches for short leads

  • What your website needs before you send that pitch

  • Key components you need to include in your pitch

  • Following Up

How to Watch

Anyone can watch a Tin Shingle TuneUp from their computer, mobile phone or tablet. The process is different for Premium Members and the public.


Stream any TuneUp Webinar anytime with your Tin Shingle membership. No need to purchase it, this TuneUp is ready to play from this page! When you are logged in, you will see a big screen. Press play and start taking notes! Not a member yet? You really should be...


Once you buy a TuneUp, you own it forever. The video or audio recording will appear on the TuneUp page that you just purchased from, and all you need to do is press play!

About Your Instructor

Kelly Kepner has worked in the Fashion PR since 2005, ranging from agency experience to boutique firms with both emerging and corporate brands. In February 2014, Kelly took all of her experiences and knowledge and launched her own firm, Kelly Kepner PR.

Kelly Kepner works closely with celebrities and has seen regular placements on Taylor Swift, Emma Roberts, Kendall Jenner, Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez, The Kardashians, Gisele Bundchen and many more of Hollywood’s leading ladies. Additionally, Kelly continues to garner her clients’ frequent placements in a variety of publications including InStyle, Elle, Teen Vogue, Glamour, StyleWatch, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire and other magazines and media outlets.

Online Class TuneUp: Trick or Treat: 5 Tricks for Instagram, PR, and SEO

This TuneUp was originally recorded on Halloween, thus the Halloween inspired Tricks and Treats you're going to get for doing your own PR and Instagram posting. This was a quick TuneUp because there was costuming to be done!

Covered In This Training TuneUp

  • PR Trick: An email pitch trick that worked to hook and land a local newspaper article in a competitive market.

  • PR Trick: A trick in the follow-up to your pitch to a reporter.

  • Rotten Candy for PR: A follow-up email that would have rotted the possible story!

  • Instagram Trick: A really easy trick to get a lot more exposure (hint: it's pretty basic but takes courage)

  • Instagram/PR Combo Trick: A trick that local business is mastering pretty well to get organic PR, but PR agents might not know about it yet.

  • Rotten Candy for Instagram: An easy way to rot in your intended contact's Instagram and not get heard.

  • SEO Trick: Easy way to create content to get gobbled up by Google and recommended to people looking for what you sell.

Online Class TuneUp: SEO + Social: The Migration


We’re in the middle of a “social migration,” as we’re calling it here at Tin Shingle. Behavior at social platforms like Facebook and Instagram are changing. Usage activity at Facebook is still high, but it’s an increasingly questionable place, both with data privacy, and being over-designed and over-stuffed with information, causing users to miss a message.

As reported by CNBC in March 2018: “Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg broke his silence Wednesday on the Cambridge Analytica data scandal that's plagued the social media giant in recent days and slashed stock value. ‘We have a responsibility to protect your data, and if we can't then we don't deserve to serve you,’ Zuckerberg said in a statement posted to his Facebook page.”

Instagram’s co-founders abruptly resigned from Facebook two weeks ago, just one week before Facebook announced another data breach. They had worked there for six years after the merger, which apparently is a long time in the world of acquisitions. Would Facebook ever pull the plug on their-self if they were too weighed down with data issues? It's a very unlikely scenario, but is implied by Mark's statement. Plus, Facebook has deleted websites they have purchased in the past (like that data storage website that was pre-Dropbox and we stored lots of stuff there!).

Social Is On Shaky Ground. We All Want To Connect, and We Will, But...

What do you have in your own tool belt (hopefully) all of the time that you can control?

Your website.

And how are people finding it?

Googling stuff.

What are they going to find there?

Amazing content you’re going to put at your website, and lots of pictures.

What do people do after they Google things? They buy things and subscribe to newsletters. Your newsletters and your products and services.

That’s right. Good old fashioned SEO.

The three most important things you can be doing right now for your business is what we will be covering in this TuneUp :

  • Making your website pretty and alive.

  • Sending newsletters to the people who subscribed and really do want to hear from you - frequently (they really do!!!)

  • Posting to Instagram (yeah, do it, we’ll be watching to see if and how the user experience at Instagram changes, but so far, keep posting)

Online Class TuneUp: PR Planning and What To Pitch the Media This Month: October 2018

During this TuneUp, we dive into how you are going to get real PR right now - in October 2018. Not PR that you wait to receive a PR lead for. Not a random mention about you that might not have to do with your business. We're talking really relevant PR that gives your business validation.

That's right - YOU have the power to get featured or quoted in a magazine or newspaper, or to get booked on TV. You don't need to wait for a PR lead from a journalist already working on a story.

"Cold Pitch the Media"

You can "cold pitch" the media with an amazing angle of why to feature your business right now to their readers. During this TuneUp, we are going to revisit what it really means to pitch the media, and why you don't need to wait for an opportunity to present itself - if it ever does!

This media planning Training TuneUp will get in your PR Zone! Your host and Tin Shingle's owner Katie is going to give you lots of ideas, and will help you plan out how to execute them to get exposure!

Ideas To Warm You Up

Writers Are Working On These Topics In October:

  • New Year, New You

  • National Mentors Month

  • New Sales Tax for Online Sales - Tax Time!

  • Diets

  • Organizing

  • Winter! Cold Weather! Snow!

  • Cold and Flu Season

Online Class: Your Pet Chef's PR & Social Success

How does this maker of raw dog food get featured in Marie Claire, Brit & Co, and others, while running her business?

Lisa Hennessy, founder and head chef at Your Pet Chef is a pro at pitching her company to the media, and getting home runs with press coverage. While she was getting press, she shied away from social media, and feared being "too salesy," as she tells Brit & Co. Now she posts daily. Hello, Brit & Co! Other media coverage includes Marie Claire, Today Show, and so many others. How does she do it? What strategies is she using in her social media to help grow her client-base nationwide? We will find out on in this TuneUp.


Anyone can watch a Tin Shingle TuneUp from their computer, mobile phone or tablet. The process is different for premium members and the public.


Stream any TuneUp Webinar anytime with your Tin Shingle membership. No need to purchase it, this TuneUp is ready to play from this page! When you are logged in, you will see a big screen. Press play and start taking notes!


Once you buy a TuneUp, you own it forever. The video or audio recording will appear on the TuneUp page that you just purchased from, and all you need to do is press play!

Online Class: How Nicole Feliciano, Founder of Momtrends, Grew a $1 Million Dollar Business and Blog

Nicole Feliciano, founder of Momtrends, the website/blog that just passed $1 million in sales last year, is showing no signs of slowing. An English major from Vanderbilt University, Nicole started her career in fashion, but after becoming a mom, was hooked on blogging and using social media to connect with others and spread the word about trends she spotted and easy ways to stay happy, educated and fashionable as a mom. Seeing a void in the blogosphere at the time, Nicole founded Momtrends, which has since expanded to feature more contributing writers, video production, a thriving events business, and now, a book called #MomBoss, where Nicole is starting a movement to educate other moms in how to start and grow the business of their dreams.

Nicole shares with Tin Shingle's co-founder, Katie Hellmuth Martin, her business tips so that you can learn how she monetizes this business, balances with editorial, and keeps harmony with her family and work lives!