Online Class: Tinkering Under The Hood With Facebook Advertising

We talked to social media experts Patti Devine and Karen Mendoza-Luis for a deep dive into Facebook Ads. You've learned from Patti before, and she returned to give us this technical breakdown of Facebook Ads, since it's a big wide world under there, and you want to get a handle on how to use them so that you can let your creativity fly.


  • Why Use Facebook Ads Manager? (more and more you'll have to, as Facebook makes changes to force you to use it)

  • New Features They Love

  • Instagram's Changes That Focus On Community And Less On Ego (like removing Likes for mental health reasons)

  • Reporting and Metrics (a measurement for that ROI you crave)

  • New Features With Video Metrics

  • Get ideas!

PS: You also get an extra special Motivation Minute, as we are in a period of big change (again) and if you need a pump-you-up, you're going to get it. Tin Shinglers with the Media Membership get 24/7 access to watch any TuneUp whenever they want. Apply for Tin Shingle membership today to get access!

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