Online Class TuneUp: PR Planning for May 2018

PR Planning for May 2018

Spring seems to have sprung but the time for sharing your summer ideas and  products with magazines has definitely sailed. Not to worry though, magazines are still looking to feature neat products and eye catching brands.

YOU can get featured in your favorite magazine!!

It does take creativity, determination, and a  healthy dose of consistency but, Tin Shingle is here to support you, supplying the gumption you need! In this class, a favorite of our listeners, we map out your PR campaign and fill your planner with ideas, tips, and tools to help you get press. 


Magazines work 3 to 6 months in advance. During this class, we share a live look into Tin Shingle's Editorial Calendar Database. (Available to Level Four Members) This treasure chest of ideas teach you what magazines want to hear about and when they want to hear it. It is published by editors themselves, giving you the upper hand when pitching about your biz and initiatives.

Also in this class, we discuss other ways you can spread the word about what you do to blogs, websites, TV,  and even in your own social media streams. This class truly is a pot of gold!


Every month Tin Shingle plans out your month, sharing inside leads from our database of Editorial Calendars as well as an overview of what magazines are looking for this month.